Our partner - Women Chief Executive Group

Our partner - Women Chief Executive Group

Women Chief Executive Group comprises seasoned female practitioners from large local or transnational financial institutions. They have provided strategic directions and leadership to their institutions over the years.

Representatives of Project WeCan and Women Chief Executive Group visited our school and shared their experience with students

News related to members of Women Chief Executive Group

Date Related member of Women CE Group News
2021/12 Ms. Christine Ip Prestige – Women of Power 2021
2021/2/8 Ms. Helen Kan How a Chinese bank adapted to COVID-19
2021/5/3 Ms. Monique Chan J. Safra Sarasin Nets Ex-BMO Private Banker
2022/4/12 Ms. Angel Ng Citigroup appoints Hong Kong CEO to oversee Asia Pacific global wealth management sector
2022/6/2 Ms. Lau Ka Shi Hong Kong’s BCT head Ka Shi Lau passes the baton and becomes adviser